
Reference Video – Daintree Rainforest/Great Barrier Reef

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A collection of videos taken of the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest (Mossman Gorge).

Shot with the intention of being used for reference, or to composite 3D creatures into.

Most videos were shot on an iPhone14 at either HD or 4k resolution at 30fps.

The underwater shots of the Great Barrier Reef were shot on a GoPro at 5.3k resolution and 30fps.

These videos are quite large, so I’ve broken them into separate downloads for convenience.

Daintree Rainforest – 4.8GBs

Fitzroy Island – 1.3GBs

Great Barrier Reef – 15GBs

Heartly’s Crocodile Farm – 6.2GBs

These photos and videos are all copyright free, so feel free to use and share however you see fit (just please, if you redistribute, continue to keep it free).

Reference Video – Daintree Rainforest/Great Barrier Reef

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