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Surface Rig

Surface Rig

A simple blender addon for quick placement of armature bones on objects surfaces.

Surface rig shortcuts

Click : place the bones

Shift+Click : start a new chain

Right Click / Backspace : remove last point

Escape : Cancel everything

Enter : Valid

The Use

For regular objects, built-in blender snapping modes are already excellent to place bone on surfaces. The tool is only here to get a quicker initial “sketch” of the rig.


For grease pencil objects it’s usefull since there are no built-in tools to snap bones on the canvas (the chosen drawing plane).

I originally developed it to quickly rig a tesselated texture plane.

You can see a demo in this youtube video from 5:26 to 7:42

Have a nice Blend

Samuel Bernou

Tags : #blender #greasepencil #blender-addon #b3d #b2d

Surface Rig

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