Pay what you want

Path Action – a quick explorer addon

Open Blend’s Folder

The main feature, A cute little folder button appear on header’s top-right that will open current blend’s folder in OS file browser.

Modifier-keys + click on the button to trigger other actions:

  • Ctrl : Copy file path
  • Ctrl+Shift: Copy directory path
  • Shift: Open Side Blend
  • Alt: Copy file name


Open Side Blend menu

Clicking on filename open it in your current instance (careful, no warning),

Clicking on the blender file icon open the file in another instance.

Shortcut and addon preferences

  • Add a shortcut to pop up a search field to open blends from history.
  • Buttons to open blender app related folders.
  • Open addons folder (list or via search)

In blender file browser

  • Button to set browser where the blend is
  • Button to open browsed folder in operating system file browser.

Developper mode

The addons have other power-ups in it’s sleeves !
For example, a developper mode. You can enable it in addon preference.
It will add another button at top-right corner to fully restart Blender (useful when making and testing addons)


The first addon I’ve made and still my personal must-have !

Path Action – a quick explorer addon

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  • Blender Versions: 3.6 LTS
  • Price type: Pay what you want

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